Welcome to the first Argentine site on pocket calendars

Present and future of my hobby

My collections' history
Present and future of my hobby
Coke calendars
Classic movies calendars
World calendars

Time went by... I have no longer 400 calendars, like I had before beginning with the exchanges, nor 1200, like I had at the end of the year 2001: Today my collection has grown to 6000 calendars... and keeps growing, fortunately. I have also enlarged the spectrum of countries that make part of it. From having calendars almost only from Argentina and Spain, I have now calendars from more than 45 countries distributed in the 5 continents.

Shell of Argentina
Shell of Argentina, 1964

Fishing calendar
Fishing calendar (USA, 1959)
Usa, 1959



And as well as I enlarged my collection, I have increased the number of friends, and in consequence, this acknowledgment list should include many more people. Among those I want to point out Manuel (Portugal), José Luis, Javier, Víctor and Salvi (Spain), just to mention some of the already beloved and with whom collecting has become an excuse to continue cultivating our friendship.

Also, to my joy and the one of those that want calendars of my country, I contacted other colleagues from Argentina, so here's a cordial greeting to Arturo, Verónica,  Laura, Daniel, Cecilia, Gabriel and Carlos. I feel no longer alone (I wish César have the same luck that I have. Don't despair friend!!!) A special mention deserve Fabiana and Cecilia, who donated me their collections. Thanks for making me keeper of your memories...

Any suggestion or correction is welcome.  Do not hesitate to contact me,
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