Welcome to the first Argentine site on pocket calendars


My collections' history
Present and future of my hobby
Coke calendars
Classic movies calendars
World calendars

I EXCHANGE ANYTHING FOR CALENDARS: I offer pocket calendars, I have all the themes:  Landscapes, animals, religious, horoscope, sports, gauchos, advertising, Mc Donald's, Coca Cola, what you want!

If you don't collect calendars, but you have them to swap, I offer you  paper napkins with logo, bookmarks, public transport tickets, sugar envelopes, postcard, stamps, or whatever you collect.

I'm particularly interested on Coca Cola, Pepsi, Marlboro, Camel,  Ferrari and other well known international trademarks. I'm also interested in calendars of countries I have no one.

The one and only calendar from Burguer King
Burguer King of Argentina, 2001
Argentina, 2001

Any suggestion or correction is welcome.  Do not hesitate to contact me,
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