Welcome to the first Argentine site on pocket calendars

My collections' history

My collections' history
Present and future of my hobby
Coke calendars
Classic movies calendars
World calendars

I was asked not long ago, when I had started collecting calendars. If I had to set a date I'd say since...always. My father brought every year a calendar from his work for each member of the family. My mother, my siblings and him would give them to me at the end of the year. To the ones obtained through this ritual, were added those that my parents got in the stores they visited, those that were given to my siblings and those that I requested everywhere I saw a pocket calendar. In this way, I got to collect only 400 calendars in more than 20 years (until 2001.  Now I have more than 6000).

If I classified them per years I'd begin in 1901. Year after year, the quantity grows, but since the '90, it diminishes drastically. This is something that really makes me sad. There are less and less stores that print calendars. Some because of the crisis, others because they replaced this traditional way of publicity for a more modern one, like refrigerator magnets. It is impossible nowadays to find a pizzeria that prints calendars.

Shop "A la ciudad de Londres"
Argentinean calendar, 1901
Argentina, 1901

Italian basrelief
Italian basrelief, 1908

And the globalization has made its part: It's easier to get calendars in traditional stores like shoemakers, mechanics, pet shops than in one whose products are also sold in supermarkets like groceries, butcheries and green groceries. It's not only a matter of quantity, it's a matter of memories. Each calendar, especially those that I have possessed for more than 15 years, brings me back to a time, a person, an anecdote, stores that no longer exist. To habits like "ruining" them circling the dates of the birthdays of family and friends or sticking them in the school folders to illustrate some work.

But the globalization also brought an advantage thanks to Internet: Through the net I've got in touch with collectors from all over the world, mainly from Spain, where this hobby is broadly spread. To the point that they have a Pocket Calendar Collectors Association. In the "Motherland", the collectors can even afford to devote to a specific topic, due to the great quantity of calendars that circulate. They come in series and some of them are even auctioned in Internet sites.

I don't know if the day will come, in which this hobby will turn, like philately or numismatics, a profitable business. If this is ever the case, there will be people that will compile catalogs, set rules about how to collect and which calendars will be considered "valuable". Until then, I'll enjoy the images and the memories that each of my calendars offers me gratuitously and generously.

Any suggestion or correction is welcome.  Do not hesitate to contact me,
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